Songs here are linked to the You Tube channel.
My music is my best attempt at expressing something of how I feel about life and Spirit.
The songs are those I have written with co-workers as well as some that are by others I have not met but inspired by.
This music is offered to assist you in finding inspiration, a sense of connection to heart and spirit, healing, and inner peace.
At the end of this list are songs by other friends videos and music.

‘A Heart Journey’ into talk given by Arjuna in Dublin, Ireland and song improv. –
Recorded at The Hill of Tara, Ireland at a very cosy evening concert with Lawrence on our many travels in 2014. The video includes some of my line drawings that I enjoyed doing as I travelled.

‘A Rider’ (lyrics Chandra Easton, Music Arjuna Govinda)
A song about the coming of the Avatar. The coming of the Divine Love-Will.
‘As One’ (a song by Denean)
‘As one we walk this Earth together …”
Sung with permission from Denean.
‘Blessed Union’ (lyrics Chandra Easton. music by Arjuna Govinda) –
“God exists within my heart . My heart unites with yours. . Together we embrace the One . And slowly we Become. …” (CE)
Recorded Dec. 2019 in Hepburn Springs, Australia at a music afternoon with close friends. One of my very favourite devotional songs. The melody came 20 years earlier and it took me that long to feel that I understood its nuances to sing it in public.
‘The Call’ (lyrics Chandra Easton, Music Arjuna Govinda)
“And Light returns and Love abides . And Hope flows steady from all sides . And Love descends on torrents strong . And Christed Light pours forth her song …” (CE)
Recorded at a Music Afternoon at the Centre for Living Theosophy in Copenhagen, Denmark in 2014. A song that gives recognition to the sacred Mother aspect as She incarnates again and again to help humanity to heal and to awaken to higher life.

‘Divine Embrace’ (lyrics Chandra Easton, Music Arjuna Govinda)
“A note of Your Song . Calling endlessly . A voice sweetly singing . Calling Thee to me . … A beat of Your Heart . Deep within Love’s Breast . Enfolded safe I am Within . Love’s Divine Embrace. …” (CE)
Sung here in a Heartscape music afternoon in Daylesford, Australia, accompanied by David Mandara.

‘Earth’s Child’ (lyrics Chandra Easton)
“Where Dark meets Light; where Life ensouls. There spirals turn and hearts enfold. It’s there I await you, Son of the Sun, It’s there I await you, Mother Divine. ..”
Recorded in Amsterdam with Lawrence and Benjamin.
‘Fly High’–
Recorded at The Sanctuary in Dublin, Ireland on a concert tor in 2014. A lovely song that includes some Sanskrit words as well as English.
‘For Reasons All’ (lyrics Chandra Easton)
“Love of great Love , Breath of my heart , Song of my joy , my reasons all. …” (CE)

‘Ganga Ki Jai Jai’ (trad and improvisation) from the CD ‘Heartbeat’
‘Ganga Ki Jai Jai’
full track from CD ‘Heartbeat’ with images of Nepal.
Video from April 2015.
‘Her Red Heart’ (lyrics Chandra Easton)
“Returning, feet on sacred skin . Her heartbeat loud and clear . The time has come; the time has come . Her Red Heart calls to me. …” (CE)
Music recorded with Lawrence Lindhardt Christensen in Denmark in 2016. Images of Uluru and surrounds by Arjuna Govinda.
I Have Searched For You’. (lyrics Inger Marie Moller).
An impromptu singing of this song while visiting a friend in Copenhagen in her Atelier (studio/art gallery). Lawrence provides the raw video footage. From Sept. 2014.
‘Improvisation in Iceland’ (Arjuna Govinda with Lawrence Lindhardt Christensen)
With images of Iceland by Arjuna Govinda. Lawrence and I began a new way of starting our concerts where we simply sang and warmed up our voices. This improvisation brought all the impressions and visions from a week travelling in the north of Iceland before our concert in the capital, Reykjavik.

‘In the Still of the Night’ (a song from the Amma ashram) recorded 2019 at Eganstown with Arjuna, David Mandara and Dorthe Klar Berg.
‘In the Still of the Night’ version 2.
2nd video with images of nature. Such an inspiring and devotional song.
‘In the Vastness of Your Grace’ ( lyrics Inger Marie Moller)
“In the vastness of Your grace , we are healed in Your embrace. Let my heart, unite with You , Lady Yasodhara. …” (IMM)
A special devotional song to the Lady Yasodhara, lyrics by Inger Marie Moller. Recorded with Lawrence Lindhardt Christensen in Helsingor, Denmark Oct. 2014

‘I Open Myself’ (lyrics by Inger Marie Moller) –
A devotional song to the Cosmic Mother. Recorded with Lawrence Lindhardt Christensen, in Helsingor, Denmark
‘Jai Sita Ram’ version 2. A more calm video version with images of nature. Recording made ‘Heartsong’ (Arjuna, David, Dorthe & Per) Dec. 2019.
‘Kuake’ (author unknown) Arjuna and Lawrence in concert in Iceland.
A song that has a Native American feel to it. Here we tune in on the Spirit of our experiences in Iceland. Presented together with images of Iceland nature. 2014

‘Let Liberty’. (lyrics Chandra Easton)
“Heart beyond all fear, calling ever to be free. … From deep within , the Silence calls : Arise , arise oh Liberty! Deep within , the Silence sounds : Arise let Liberty! …” (CE)
Music recorded January 2017 at home in Daylesford, Australia. The images come from my many visits to Denmark as well as Dorthe’s visits to Australia. Another inspiring song with lyrics by Chandra Easton.
‘Let Love’ at Heartsong Music Afternoon
“Let love overtake you. Let love overwhelm you. Let love ever guide you. Become love. …” (CE)
Such beautiful lyrics by Chandra Easton. So easy to sing as it invokes and celebrates that we are loved and that we can open and be filled in its eternal Grace.
Sung here July 2022 after. 2 + years unable to sing in public.
‘Let Love’ (lyrics Chandra Easton)
Sung here at a gathering of friends in Daylesford, Australia July 2018.
‘Let Us Sing’ (lyrics Inger Marie Moller)
“Upon the rainbows sparkling light , Let our Souls and Hearts unite . … Let us sing a song of Love , of peace and gratitude.” (IMM)
An uplifting song. This recording was made during a meditation service in Melbourne, Australia in March/April 2015.

‘Light of Your Grace’ (by Sam Garrett)
sung with permission from Sam Garrett.
‘Lord Maitreya, Great Spirit’ (trad., Tarajyoti & Arjuna Govinda) Arjuna Govinda in concert with Lawrence Lindhardt Christense, in Copenhagen, Denmark in June 2013.
‘Maitreya, Spirit of the Heart’ & ‘Home Again’ (lyrics Tarajyoti Govinda, Music Arjuna Govinda)–
Recorded sometime in 2014 when Lawrence was visiting Australia. We sang it many times at many venues around the world. Lyrics by Tarajyoti discovered after her passing into Spirit in 1999 and the lyrics of ‘Home Again’ add some five years later to give a feeling of rejoicing at our relationship and connection with the Lord of Love.

‘Mantra to Jesus’ (L &M Tarajyoti Govinda)
Performed live with Lawrence Lindhardt Christensen in Copenhagen, Denmark.
‘Mantra to Tara and the Buddhas’ (lyrics trad. & Tarajyoti Govinda)
One of my favourite times in a concert where the spirit inspired us all.
Recorded at ‘Buddha concert’ at Whitegum Studios in Wheatsheaf near Daylesford, Australia.
Video is an experimental piece contrasting city life with the vast beauty of nature and Spirit.
‘Ocean of Silence’ (lyrics Inger Marie Moller)
“We are healed in the Ocean of Silence. We are healed in the Ocean of Love. We are healed. …” (IMM)
Recorded with Lawrence Lindhardt Christensen on a tour we did of the East Coast of Australia. This recording is from a concert we offered in Lismore, Australia.

‘Om Guru Deva’ (Arjuna Govinda).
Recorded here in its infancy as Dorthe and I got to know the song for the first time.
From our days in Spandet, Denmark.
‘Om Mani Padme Hum’. (traditional)
Recorded on Pentecost Sunday in Copenhagen, Denmark
‘Om Mani Padme Hum’ in concert with dear friends, on Holy Thursday in Daylesford, Australia.
With Lawrence visiting from Denmark, David Mandara, Arjuna Govinda, Per Bernard and also joined by Valiant on keyboards.
A wonderful evening of music sharing.
‘Om Mani Padme Hum’ (traditional and improv)
One very fine afternoon at our friends Atelier (Art Gallery( in Copenhagen, Denmark in Sept. 2014. Lawrence (left) and Arjuna (right) improvising and playing with various harmonies.
One Heart, One Earth (lyrics by Chandra Easton)
“From deepest space, through holy grace , Returned to the Great I Am . This land, this heart of sacred Fire , This land, I bless for thee. …” (CE)
This recording is from the CD ‘Heartbeat’ recorded in October 2014 in Amsterdam with Lawrence Lindhardt Christensen and Benjamin deMurashkin.
‘One Heart, One Earth’ (lyrics Chandra Easton)
A brief video featuring a sublime keyboard improv by Benjamin deMurashkin on CD ‘Heartbeat’

‘Peace of Iona’. (Mike Scott)
A music afternoon at The Centre for Living Theosophy in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Sung with permission from Mike Scott.
‘Ram Sri Ram’ (L & M Arjuna Govinda)
‘Ram Sri Ram’ (M &. L Arjuna Govinda) live version in street concert
With Lawrence Lindhardt Christensen in Islands Brygge, Denmark 2016.
‘Ram Sri Ram’ –
Another home made video of enjoying music with David Mandara and Dorthe Klar in Hepburn Springs, Jan. 2017.
With thanks to Castherine for the video footage
‘Return to Eire‘ (lyrics Chandra Easton) “From these shores , these mountains , I sing My song of love . I Am the Harp, the Harp Eriu , I sing My children Home … From the cradle to the grave , I sing My children Home . I AM the Harp , the Harp Eriu , I sing my children Home. …” (CE)
This recording was made of its very first time of sharing in public. Recorded at the Hill of Tara in 2014. Sung here by Arjuna with Lawrence Lindhardt Christensen playing lead guitar and support vocals. This video is dedicated to the loving memory of our very dear friend Niall O’Sullivan.

‘Shiva, Shakti’ (lyrics Chandra Easton)
“Bhrama O Bhrama, All is done. Bhrama O Bhrama, Life is One. …” (CE)
‘Song of the Lotus’ (lyrics Chandra Easton).
“Within the lotus, Light abounds . Om Mani Padme Hum . Lotus Light and lotus Sound . Om Mani Padme Hum …” (CE)
This song came in September 2020 with a wonderful chorus of ‘Om Mani Padme Hum.’ Sung here by Arjuna Govinda and Dorthe Klar.

‘Spirit of the Olgas‘ (lyrics Chandra Easton)
“Spirit of the Sun . Hearts aflame . Dreamtime comes. … Spirit of the Olgas . Wisdom comes … Spirit of the Earth , Maitreya births.” (CE)
From a concert in Copenhagen, Denmark in 2014 with Lawrence Lindhardt Christensen on lead guitar. I first sang this song on a journey to Uluru in Central Australia on a journey with very dear friends. The song was then taken to Scandinavia where it was song with many different impulses as the Spirit of Australia blessed us as we travelled and sang in honour of love and peace and the blessings from the Heart of Australia.
‘Till Stars Burn Bright’ (lyrics Chandra Easton).
“Till stars burn bright and heavens fall . My peace unending surrounds you all . Till stars burn bright ‘neath heaven’s weeping . We hold your hearts in love’s safekeeping. …” (CE)
Here recorded as David, Dorthe and I played it together for the very first time in Hepburn Springs, Australia. A beautiful song about the love that holds us all dear.
‘Uluru, Uluru’ (lyrics Chandra Easton)
“Uluru, Uluru . Heart of all songs. Song of our hearts . Ancestors freed, Our love flows free . …” (CE)
This video is an experiment in sound and images showing the desert beauty around Uluru in Central Australia.
‘We Are Calling’ (lyrics Chandra Easton)
“Hearts of starlight, return to Earth. … Sure feet to the Earth as together we birth. … Return to the One, then Love’s dance is done.” (CE)
This video was made after our ‘Heartsong’ music afternoon in July 2022.

Contact Arjuna via email : arjunagovinda@icloud.com
‘Angels Sent From Mother’s Heart’ (lyrics by Inger Marie Moller, Music by Lawrence Lindhardt Christensen). Performed here at a concert in Copenhagen, Denmark in Aug. 2014.
‘Beautiful Earth’ song by Lawrence Lindhardt Christensen & Hennie Lindhardt. Video by Henning deVilloughby Klibo.
‘Be Kind’ (lyrics and music by David Mandara) A fun afternoon with David, Lawrence and myself, preparing for a concert.
‘Be Kind‘ (Concert version) Song and Video by David Mandara. And the Concert version with David, Lawrence, Arjuna & Per. We had a lot of fun with this one.
‘David, Art & Music’ – a music clip with David Mandara in his painting studio, Feb. 2016.
‘Fun With Shakers’ – an improvisation. Arjuna Govinda having fun with Lawrence Lindhardt Christensen in Islands Brygge, Denmark, Sept. 2016.
Give Me Grace’ by David Mandara. Recorded at a Heartscape event in Daylesford, Victoria, Australia. Song and video by David Mandara, sung with Arjuna Govinda.
‘I Sit at the Feet of the Christ’ – an afternoon of music in Helsingor, Denmark Sept. 2014.
‘I Sit at the Feet of the Christ’ (lyrics and music Lawrence Lindhardt Christensen). Recorded Oct 2014 in Amsterdam, Netherlands in the studio of Benjamin DeMurashkin (keyboards).
Mantra to Jesus II (L&M Tarajyoti Govinda) performed here by Arjuna with David Mandara. video by David Mandara.
‘Om Namah Shivaya’ (traditional) Music by Lawrence Lindhardt Christensen in concert with Heartsong, Daylesford, Australia.
‘The Healing Mantra‘ Music and video by David Mandara.
‘There Is Nowhere Else To Be’ (lyrics and music by Dorthe Klar Berg). A video Dorthe and I made in the beautiful nature of Esbjerg, Denmark 2016.
‘Yasodhara Mantra’ (lyrics Aida, music Dorthe Klar) A video by Dorthe Klar.
‘Extraterrestrial Light’ (lyrics by Tarajyoti Govinda, Music Arjuna Govinda) – recorded on a winter’s afternoon in Daylesford in 2014.
‘Om Mani Padme Hum’ – A Winter’s Afternoon in Daylesford’ – Arjuna Govinda sharing, unaccompanied. Aug 2014.
‘One Earth’ an improvisation by Arjuna with native drum, March 2016