The following are lyrics to songs sung by Arjuna Govinda. Please note that all song recordings and ALL LYRICS are copyright to the individual authors. Enquiries : Contact Arjuna Govinda
A Rider.
(lyrics : Chandra Easton, music : Arjuna Govinda)
Upon a cresting wave, towards a distant shore.
A rider thus appears; no more, He waits no more.
His coming is foreseen, His destiny foresworn.
As told in days of old,He rides before the storm.
Into silence deepening across the breach, He comes.
While thunder, distant thunder, on and on it drums.
In finery blazing, leading Hosts of Light.
Upon a wave of hope, He thunders through the night.
His coming is foreseen, His destiny foresworn.
Our hearts proclaim His presence
As He rides before the storm.
Flags of victory flutter, before Him darkness flees.
Drums announce the battle and the Avatar, we see.
As One
(by Denean)
As one we walk this Earth together
As one we sing to her our song
As one we love her
As one we heal her
Her heart beats with our own as One
As one we join with her our Mother
As one we we feel her sacred song
As one we we touch her
As one we heal her
Her heart beats with our own as One.

Australian Dreaming
(Words by Bill Neidjie from book ‘Story About Feeling’)
You listen my story and you feel Him
Because spirit he’ll be – with you
You cannot see but He’ll be with you, He’ll be with me
This story – just listen – careful.
He knows, He listens to you.
You can hardly look but he listens to you.
(Alright), He come to you … you dream.
Your dream is real because your spirit is true.
And something He might drop into you.
He might give you something.
Might be piece of rock you might find I’m
because spirit is there.
Because spirit is there.
You must not lose,
leave your culture behind and story
You got to hang on and give it behind,
to your children.
Keep going
If you got story, heart
Then speak yourself, stand for it!
I love it too.
Is true… He can give you easy
because He ‘longside you with this story.
I’m telling you but – He ‘longside with you.
How you feel… wind, feeling cold, “oh lovely night.”
Yes… because He ‘longside with you.
You listen my story and you will feel Him
Because spirit he’ll be with you
You cannot see but He’ll be with you,
He’ll be with me
This story, Just listen, Careful.
You might sleep. Well you feel..
Hey, I bin dream a good dream.

(L: Chandra Easton; M Arjuna Govinda)
Diamond Light, so bright
Pierces the veil
A caldron of Light.
Diamond Light, so bright
Pierces the veil
Dark yields to Light.
Diamond light, so bright
Becoming, becoming
A cauldron of Light.
Golden Light,
Becoming the Grail
Grail becoming,
Golden Light surrounds all
Flowing, revealing
Christos so bright.
Golden Light, awakens
Eternal Homecoming
Within His HeartLight.
Rose of Remembrance
Enfolded in Love.
Rose of Remembrance
Is sweet Mother love.

Blessed Union
(Lyrics: Chandra Easton. Music : Arjuna Govinda)
I seek to walk the Way
The way of love and light.
I seek to know the Truth
The Truth beyond all words.
I seek to be at One
At one with all that is.
The God within,
The God without,
The God of All Creation.
The more I seek,
The less I know.
The less I know,
The more I Am.
And slowly, slowly, slowly
The Divine within awakens.
Awakens to perfection
To the beauty of all that is.
I stand transformed before you
A vehicle for the Light
Translucent, radiant, loving
The face of all that’s bright.
God exists within my heart
My heart unites with yours.
Together we embrace the One
And slowly we Become.
Become One Heart, united, strong
A cell within the Heart of All
A voice within the Eternal Call
A rock within the Guardian Wall.

Buddha’s Tears
(Lyrics: Chandra Easton, Music : Arjuna Govinda)
In shining mist beyond this space
Together they rise to the secret place.
Coiled in ever upwards flight
Naga’s seeking sacred Light.
Into the mist beyond desire
Serpent Fire arises higher.
Coiled in ever upwards flight
Naga’s seeking sacred Light.
By Dragon’s blood the Way is paved
She waits within heart’s still cave.
And as she strikes his Heartsong sounds,
Echoing forth to holy ground.
They rise again in union bright
By mist, through grail on Buddha night.
Crowned with nectar, decked In pearls
Heart’s grail opens … for the worlds.
As all perfected bliss flows free
Buddha’s Love descends to thee.
And Light streams forth dissolving fears
Through Buddha’s Grace
and Buddha’s Tears.
Crystal Mountain
(Lyrics: Chandra Easton. Music : Arjuna Govinda)
Lost am I in blizzards wild
The path unsure, my heart beguiled.
Beyond the snow, ‘neath shining peaks
A secret valley to me speaks.
All around the darkness looms,
Dawn is birthing from earth’s womb.
A crystal sentinel / it’s light to guide …
A refuge where the darkness cannot hide.
A portal to the world unseen,
Calls me through, beyond the dream.
Crystal mountain burning bright.
A beacon sure throughout the night.
All around the darkness looms,
Dawn is birthing from earth’s womb.
Beyond those snowy peaks, He stands
His heart aflame / through all the lands.
And thus we stand, and so remain
A cell within His heart’s domain.
While all around the darkness looms,
Dawn is birthing from earth’s womb.
Crystal mountain burning bright.
A beacon sure throughout the night.
Beneath those snowy peaks, He stands
His heart aflame through all the lands.
And slowly, slowly daylight comes
His love pours forth

Divine Embrace
(lyrics: Chandra Easton – music Arjuna Govinda)
I Am
A wave of Your Ocean
Washed upon life’s shores.
Pearls upon the sand
Tide sweeps all before.
I Am
A note of Your Song
Calling endlessly.
A voice sweetly singing
Calling Thee to me.
I Am
A beat of Your Heart
Deep within Love’s Breast.
Enfolded safe I am Within
Love’s Divine Embrace.
I Am
A flame of your Love
Receiving blinding Light.
A spark of cauldron Fire
Maitreya’s Sun ignites.
I Am
A chalice of the Holy Grail
Overflowing and overtaking
Healing wider and wider.
A note of Your Song
I Am
A beat of Your Heart
Sounding deeper and deeper.
A flame of Your Love
A spark of Your Fire
Burning higher and higher.
I Am
Earth’s Child
(lyrics: Chandra Easton. music: Arjuna Govinda)
Where Dark meets Light; where Life ensouls
There spirals turn and hearts enfold.
It’s there I await you, Son of the Sun.
It’s there I adore you – Mother Divine.
United, arisen, created anew
By Flame and Fire, hearts burn true.
It’s there I adore you, Son of the Sun.
It’s there I receive you – Mother Divine.
Beyond the beyond the beyond the beyond
Dragon’s breath it spirals on, – ever on.
It’s there we are One in God’s holy sight
Father-Mother Divine; Son-Daughter of Light.
Galaxy Mother, milk flowing free
Her majesty, heartbeat, Her womb blessed be.
Child of His Heart, awaited, adored.
Child of His Heart, to earth – now restored.
Beyond the beyond the beyond the beyond
Dragon’s breath it spirals on, – ever on.
Child of His Heart, awaited, adored.
Child of His Heart, to earth – now restored.

Extraterrestrial Light
(Lyrics : Tarajyoti Govinda. Music : Arjuna Govinda)
You are our sisters and brothers
interplanetary beings of Light
we open to you – in all we do
we open – our hearts – to the Light
Let us begin to fly
on our love – from within
and help the Earth begin
to become a star that shines
Let Love – be the reason
and Light – guide the seasons
open – your heart – to the Light
Our extra terrestrial friends
with your help – all wars can end
we look for your peace –
guide our release
help Earth become a star.

Fly High
(Peter Makena / Martyn Phillips)
Fly, fly high
let the Earth
touch the sky
Shree Rama
Jaya Rama
Jaya Jaya Rama.

For Reasons All
(L: Chandra Easton. Music: Arjuna Govinda)
As veils of doubt and reason fall,
You are revealed beyond the pall.
Child of the Sun, heart of my Heart,
Love of great Love,
for reasons all.
And so we meet in sweet, sweet Love,
And so we meet unceasingly.
As Fire consumes, surrendered be,
Falling, falling, falling free.
As I prostrate before God’s throne,
Into Love my breath seeks Home
Falling, falling, falling free.
There is no breath, save through Me.
No scent divine, which passes over,
No sound unending as it soars,
No touch so tender passing nigh,
Save that which binds your heart to Mine.
Love of great Love, Breath of my heart,
Song of my joy, my reasons all.
Love of great Love, Breath of my heart,
Song of my joy, my reasons all.

Ganga Ki Jai Jai
Ganga Ki Jai Jai
Yumna Ki Jai Jai
Kailash Pati Shiva
Shanka Ki Jai Jai.

Her Red Heart
(Lyrics: Chandra Easton. Music : Arjuna Govinda)
Returning, to Mother Dreamtime
Her Red Heart calling me.
Voices from an ancient time,
Echo timelessly.
Returning, feet on sacred skin
Her heartbeat loud and clear.
The time has come; the time has come
Her Red Heart calls to me.
Returning unto open arms
Red breast laid bare and free.
Ancient rivers, salted lakes.
Her Red Heart calling me.
Returning unto salted veins
no tree or leaf abide.
Sun dapples over Her body bright
Her Red Heart calls to me.
Returning , touching, blood red skin
soft tears upon Her land.
Clouds caress, as deserts glow
Her Red Heart calling me.

Holy Mother
(Lyrics Tarajyoti, Music Arjuna)
Holy Mother
Your Love pours forth and embraces me.
I have the arms to do Your will
I have the eyes to hold your vision
I have the mouth to speak your words of compassion and comfort
I have the will to walk upon your path – O Holy Mother.
I open my ears to receive you
I open my eyes to see you
I open myself to you.
I sit within your silence
I breathe in your Light
I am the stillness of the night
Thank you, O Holy Mother
Thank you, O Holy Mother.
I am your vehicle
Use me as you will.

I Have Searched for You
(Lyrics : Inger Marie Moller. Music : Arjuna Govinda)
I have searched for You
throughout my life
for comfort, for peace, for love and joy.
I have looked for Your smile
in every face
for Your grace and compassion
in mothers eyes
in children’s laughter
in flowers bloom
In sunset colours
and rainbows light
In the snowcapped mountains
and rivers wild.
I have searched
for Your wisdom
in endless words
in the beauty of art
and musical tunes
I found You – in a moment
when everything – was still
my mind – had stopped its searching
my heartbeat was at rest
and everything inside me
was one with all of life
and there You were beside me
had never been apart.

In the Still of the Night
(From the Amma ashram)
In the still of the night
From the darkness comes the Light
And I know in my heart it is you
And I know in my heart it is you
When the fire in my soul
Burns with longing for the goal
Then I know in my heart it is you
Then I know in my heart it is you
When the truth is revealed
All the sorrows will be healed
Then I know in my heart it is you
Then I know in my heart it is you
Jai Ma … Jai Ma … Jai Ma …

In the Vastness of Your Grace
(Lyrics : Inger Marie Moller. Music: Arjuna Govinda)
Lady Yasodhara,
Oh peaceful Mother
Let my heart, unite with You
Lady Yasodhara.
In the vastness of Your grace
we are healed in Your embrace
In the silence of Your smile
I hear the song of Love and Joy.

Into The Fire
(Lyrics & Music: Arjuna Govinda)
Love has found us
Willing and – hopeful
Joyous …
Alive again.
My heart bursts open
In gratitude, and wonder
This Love …
Awakens me to Joy.
Into the mysteries
Into the wonder
Into the love of life
Into the garden
My love you are
All that I hoped for
You take me in
Into your heart
Early on we chose
Not to contain this
But to allow it
To run its own course
I feel each of us on fire
Burning in the oneness
My heart calls me to be
All that I am
For this new life
For the wonder
For the Love …
that is Here for all
Into This Heart
Into This Fire
Into the Presence
Of Love Divine
My love you are
All that I hoped for
You take me in
Into your heart
Where each of us finds solace
and joy within the other
A sacred inspiration
Bringing us peace.
Love has found us
Willing and hopeful
Alive again.
In this sanctuary
I find myself – with you
This garden so profound
Within our hearts
And so I surrender
And so I surrender
Into this love with you
Into the fire.
And I surrender
Into this love with you
Into the burning flame
Into the fire.
And so – I surrender.

Jai Sita Ram, Hanuman
(author unknown)
Jai Sita Ram – Jai o Jai – Hanuman
Jai Sita Ram – Jai o Jai – Hanuman
Jai Sita Ram – Jai o Jai – Hanuman
Jai Sita Ram – Jai o Jai . . . Hanuman
Sita Ram, Ram, Ram
Hanuman … Sita Ram, Ram, Ram.

Kuake, Layno Layno, Mahute
Hyeno, Hyeno, Hyeno
Let me be one with the infinite Sun
Forever, and ever, and ever.

Let Liberty
(Lyrics : Chandra Easton. Music : Arjuna Govinda)
Sitting with aloneness, aloneness sits with me.
Within aloneness stillness sits in quiet reverie.
From deep within, the Silence calls: Arise, arise oh Liberty!
Deep within, the Silence sounds: Arise, arise let Liberty!
Heartbeat holding heartache waits patiently, patiently for me.
Heart beyond all fear, calling ever to be free.
From deep within, the Silence calls: Arise, arise oh Liberty!
Deep within, the Silence sounds: Arise let Liberty!
Love welcomed, fear released, She nests once more with thee.
Freed I AM, now full of Love of Life and Liberty.
Love abounds and Love resounds, oh joyful Liberty.
Love abounds, life resounds with joyful Liberty.

Let Love
(lyrics: Chandra – Music: Arjuna )
Let love overtake you.
Let love overwhelm you.
Let love ever guide you.
Let love, love, love.
For all times, eternal.
For all ways, forever.
For all paths united
In love, love, love.
May My Heart be within you.
May My Spirit flow through you.
May My Face guide you onwards
With love, blessed, love.
Let love overtake you.
Let love overwhelm you.
Let love ever guide you.
Become love.
May My Heart beat with your heart,
May our heart’s blood run freely.
May all hearts join the One Heart.
In love, blessed love.
Together, forever.
Forgiven, all forgiven.
May My peace be with you
Eternally love.
Let love overtake you.
Let love overwhelm you.
Let love ever guide you.
Become love.

Let the Way of Your Heart
(author unknown)
Let the way of your heart
Let the way of your heart
Let the way of your heart shine through.
Love upon love upon Love
All hearts are beating as one.
Light upon Light upon Light,
All disappears into One.

Let Us Sing the Song of Life
(lyrics: Inger Marie Moller; music Arjuna Govinda)
Into the blue, blue endless sky
my joy of freedom wants to fly.
Within the deep green boundless sea
my heart of Love just wants to be.
So let us sing the Song of Life
of Peace and Grace and Sacrifice.
Upon the rainbows sparkling light
Let our Souls and Hearts unite.
For we are children born to know
that Life is here on Earth to grow.
Let us give to Mother Earth
the pledge that Peace we will give Birth.
And let us sing to Her our praise
for all Her Beauty, Life and Grace
And let us sing the Song of Life
of Peace and Grace and Sacrifice.

Lord Maitreya, Great Spirit
(Tarajyoti & Arjuna)
Lord Maitreya, Great Spirit
Shine Your Light upon the Earth
Lord Maitreya, Oh Great Spirit
Help us to be of One Heart
You are our keeper
You are our saviour
You are redeemer, Father and friend.
You give Compassion, Faith and Hope
And You give Love without end.
Lord Maitreya, Great Spirit
Shine Your Light upon the Earth
Lord Maitreya, Oh Great Spirit
Help us to be of One Heart
You are bestower of Peace and Wisdom
Joy and Freedom, Mercy and Truth
You know the Plan
You make it happen
Your Love purifies all.

Mantra To Jesus
(Lyrics & Music : Tarajyoti Govinda)
Jesus within us
Jesus within us
All His Love He gives to us
All His Love He gives to us
Jesus, You are the Way
Jesus, You are the Way
Christ is within us
Christ is within us
All His Love He gives to us
All His Love He gives to us
Jesus, You are the Way
Jesus, You are the Way.

Mantra to Tara and the Buddhas
(Lyrics * : Tarajyoti Govinda. Music : Arjuna Govinda)
Om Tare Tuttare Ture Svaha *
Govinda Gopala Gautama Buddha
Om Tare Tuttare Yasodhara Buddha
Govinda Gopala Maitreya Buddha
“Om Tare Tuttare Ture Svaha” traditional

Ocean of Silence
(Lyrics : Inger Marie Moller. Music : Arjuna Govinda)
We are born in the Ocean of Silence
We are born in the Ocean of Love
We are born.
We are free in the Ocean of Silence
We are free in the Ocean of Love
We are free.
We are one in the Ocean of Silence
We are one in the Ocean of Love
We are one.
We are healed in the Ocean of Silence
We are healed in the Ocean of Love
We are healed.
We return to the Ocean of Silence
We return to the Ocean of Love
We return.

Om Guru Deva
Om Guru Deva

Om Mani Padme Hum
Om Mani Padme Hum.

One Heart, One Earth
(lyrics: Chandra Easton. music: Arjuna Govinda)
This heart, this Light; One Heart, One Light.
Returned again to Thee.
This land, my heart; this land, my soul.
This land, I bless for thee.
From deepest space, through holy grace,
Returned to the Great I Am.
This land, this heart of sacred Fire,
This land, I bless for thee.
This heart, this light; One Heart, One Light.
This Earth I bless for thee.
This heart, this light; One Heart, One Light,
Returned, redeemed to Thee.
Land of my heart, my soul’s desire,
Land of Michael’s holy Fire,
Land of my blood, of Isis Light,
This land, I bless for Thee.

Peace of Iona
(by Mike Scott)
Peace of the glancing, dancing waves,
Peace of the white sands,
Peace of Iona.
Peace of the singing wind,
Peace of the stones,
Peace of Iona.
Peace of the crying gulls
Peace of the humming bees
Peace of the noontime stillness.
Peace of the dreaming hills
Peace of the breath of angels
Peace of Iona
Peace of the saints and seekers
Peace of the monks and druids
Peace of the resting place of kings,
Peace of the ruins,
Peace of doves in the bell-tower,
Peace of Iona.
Peace of the rested mind,
Peace of the glad heart,
Peace of my lover’s pots and potions
Peace of her healing hands,
Peace of her lazy laughter,
Peace of Iona.
Peace of the unseen,
Peace of the spirit,
Peace of Iona.
Peace of the unseen,
Peace of the spirit,
Peace of Iona.

Ram Sri Ram
(Lyrics & Music : Arjuna Govinda * )
Ram – Sri Ram – Jai Ram
Ram – Sri Ram – Jai Ram
Ram – Sri Ram – Sri Ram – Jai Jai
Jai – Sri Ram – Jai Ram
Ram, You are the One,
The Creator of All That Is.
You and I are One my Lord,
One seeing, one knowing, one Love.*
* ‘One seeing, one knowing, one Love’ from Meister Eckhart.

Return to Eire
(Lyrics: Chandra Easton. Music : Arjuna Govinda)
Surrounded by the water
A jewel amidst the waves.
Surrounded by the water
I call My children Home.
From stone to tree,
From hill to glen.
Surrounded by the water
I call My children Home.
I Am Eriu, the Heart of Eire
I call my children Home.
I Am Eriu, the Heart of Eire
I call My children Home.
From these shores,
these mountains
I sing My song of love.
I Am the Harp, the Harp Eriu
I sing My children Home.
Surrounded by the water
A jewel amidst the waves.
Surrounded by the water
I call My children Home.
From the cradle to the grave
I sing My children Home.
I AM the Harp, the Harp Eriu
I sing my children Home.
I sing my children Home.

Rose of the Heart
( lyrics: Chandra Easton Music Arjuna Govinda)
Liberation of souls
Redeemer of all hearts,
Thou art, Thou art.
Our joy, our bliss
Our joy, our bliss
Thou art, Thou art
Forgiven and released
Released and forgiven
Thou art, Thou art
Rose of the Heart
Yasodhara, Yasodhara
Thou art, Thou art.

Shiva, Shakti
(Lyrics : Chandra Easton. Music : Arjuna Govinda)
Shiva, Shakti,
Two becomes One.
Shiva, Shakti,
Omniscient One.
Shiva, Shakti,
Mother unto Son.
Shiva, Shiva,
Shakti, Shakti.
Shiva, Shiva,
Shakti, Shakti.
Bhrama O Bhrama,
All is done.
Bhrama O Bhrama,
Life is One.

Song of the Lotus
(Lyrics : Chandra Easton. Music : Arjuna Govinda)
In silence deep,
the soundless sound.
Om Mani Padme Hum
Within the lotus, Light abounds
Om Mani Padme Hum
Within the lotus, Light abounds
Om Mani Padme Hum
Lotus Light and lotus Sound
Om Mani Padme Hum
Pierced by Light,
through night to day
Om Mani Padme Hum
To Lotus Buddha,
we pray, we pray.
Om Mani Padme Hum
Peace: the Temple, Heart of Love
Om Mani Padme Hum
Reside with Me, return to Love
Om Mani Padme Hum
Reside with Me, return to Love
Om Mani Padme Hum

Spirit of the Olgas
(Lyrics : Chandra Easton. Music : Arjuna Govinda)
Return to the Rock
Turn again to the Sun
Spirit of the Sun
Hearts aflame
Dreamtime comes.
Spirit of the Wind
Hearts aflame
Dreamtime comes,
Spirit of the Rock
Return to Earth
Mother births.
Spirit of the Olgas
Wisdom comes
Spirit of the Earth
Maitreya births
Hallowed One,
Hallowed One.

(lyrics & music: by Tarajyoti Govinda)
There is a sky that goes beyond,
the horizon that we see.
It is a place that lives within,
the heart of eternity.
There is a sky that goes beyond,
the horizon that we see.
Limits cease to exist in this reality,
allowing spirit to be free.
There is a choice we must make,
so little time,
the way we choose to walk,
to follow the Divine.
There is a choice we must make so little time,
Open our hearts, align our minds.
Surrender to the love of the Divine.
We surrender to the Love of the Divine.
We surrender to the Love.
We surrender to the Love of the Divine.
With the Divine our heart and mind entwine.

Take Me Away (author unknown)
Take me away, won’t you carry me
Let me rest in your arms for awhile
Take me away, won’t you carry me
Let me see the sweetness of your smile
Won’t you take me away.

The Call
(Lyrics: Chandra Easton. Music : Arjuna Govinda)
Hold the Light aloft, the candle high
That Love returns to Earth, from sky.
Hold the Light aloft, the candle bright
That peace descends, through darkened night.
Hold the Light on high, and glory be
That joy unending, comes to thee.
And Light returns and Love abides –
And Hope flows steady from all sides
And Love descends on torrents strong
And Christed Light pours forth her song
And Earth resounds with Love’s strong call
Hearts wide heads bowed receive us all.
She comes, She comes, She comes again
Again, again again, for all
She comes again
She heeds the call.

The Great ‘I Am’
(lyrics: Chandra Easton – music: Arjuna Govinda)
I Am a living cell – in the body of the great I Am
I Am a loving cell – within the heart of all
I Am an eternal beat – of your heart
I Am in you; you are in me.
I Am, I Am, I Am.
I Am the silence of your soul
I Am the whisper of the wind
I Am an eternal beat of your heart
I Am in you; you are in me.
I Am, I Am, I Am.

Till Stars Burn Bright
(Lyrics : Chandra Easton. Music : Arjuna Govinda)
You have my love, our hearts are one
Through darkest day and darker night.
Till stars burn bright and heavens fall
My peace unending surrounds you all.
We are one and thus remain
‘Neath light on high in love’s domain.
We are one and thus are called
So witness all, our heart’s refrain.
You have my love, my peace and healing
Until the end of time comes stealing.
We hold your hearts in love’s safekeeping
Till stars burn bright ‘neath heaven’s weeping.
We are one and thus remain
‘Neath light on high in love’s domain
We are one and thus are called
So witness all, our hearts refrain.
Till stars burn bright and heavens fall
My peace unending surrounds you all.
Till stars burn bright ‘neath heaven’s weeping
We hold your hearts in love’s safekeeping.

Uluru, Uluru
(lyrics: Chandra Easton – music: Arjuna Govinda)
Spirit of the Territory
Soaring free.
From Australia’s heart
Our blood runs free.
Uluru, Uluru
Heart of all songs.
Uluru, Uluru
Song of our hearts.
From Arnhem land
To the Great Divide
Our blood runs free
Across raging rivers
Through desert skies
Our blood runs free.
Ancestors freed,
Our love flows free.
Ancestors freed
Our love flows free

When the Sun King Comes
(lyrics: Chandra Easton. Music : Arjuna Govinda)
And the first shall be last and the last shall be first
The first shall be last, when She answers the call.
And the first shall be last and the last shall be first
The first shall be last, when the Sun King comes.
In hallowed halls beyond the veil
There time stands still and fires blaze.
When every heart pours forth the call
And She who will be Queen awaits the Sun.
And the first shall be last and the last shall be first
The first shall be last, when She answers the call.
And the first shall be last and the last shall be first
The first shall be last, when the Sun King comes.
When daylight comes the veil rends free,
When war gives way and peace heals thee.
When hatred ebbs and love abides
Then the Queen of Earth, She births the Sun.
And light reveals, when time stands still
That hallowed halls shall emptied be.
All bells ring loud, as earth resounds
With love, only love when She births the Son.
When earth is renewed and peace abides
When love reigns holy from all sides.
Then from hallowed halls, He comes, He comes.
From darkened night to bright sunlight
All is revealed when She births the Son.
And the first shall be last and the last shall be first
The first shall be last, when She answers the call.
And the first shall be last and the last shall be first
The first shall be last, when the Sun King comes.
When earth is renewed and peace abides
When love reigns holy from all sides.
Then from hallowed halls, He comes, He comes.
From darkened night to bright sunlight
All is revealed when She births the Son.
And bells ring loud, as earth resounds
With love only love, when the Sun King comes.
All bells ring loud, as earth resounds
With love only love, when the Sun King comes.
And the first shall be last and the last shall be first
The first shall be last, when She answers the call.
And the first shall be last and the last shall be first
The first shall be last, when the Sun King comes.

Yasodhara Mantra
(Lyrics: Aida DeM. Music : Arjuna Govinda)
Queen of Earth
Your bountiful love and compassion
fills my heart
Queen of Earth
Your endless joy and wisdom
heals my mind
Queen of Earth
Your divine grace and hope
lifts my soul.

Yasodhara, Queen of Earth
(lyrics: Tarajyoti, music: Arjuna)
Yasodhara, Queen of Earth
Yasodhara, Give us birth
Joy of All, Compassion One
You are the daughter – of the Sun
Queen of Shamballa’s hearth
Queen, oh Queen of Earth
Guide the way to the Sun
Yasodhara, To the Path of Love.
Children of the Heart
Dance at Your feet
As You dance to Master’s heart beat
You open Your Heart
and we enter in
Mother, You take us in
With You we rise
across the skies
of the universe
Yasodhara, Queen of the Earth
Queen of Shamballa’s hearth
You lift us to the heart of the Sun
Yasodhara, To the Path of Love.
Yasodhara, To the Path of Love.
Yasodhara, Queen of Earth
Yasodhara, Give us birth
Joy of All, Compassion One
You are the door – to the Sun
Yasodhara, To the Path of Love.
Yasodhara, To the Path of Love.
With You Father Mother
Sun as OneYou are the Path of Love.